Наукові конференції України, Інновації молоді в машинобудуванні 2020

Розмір шрифту: 
Research of the productivity of the laser sintering process of powder by the method of mathematical statistics
Oleksandr Lymar, Pavel Kondrashev

Остання редакція: 2020-03-07


Formulation of the problem. Rapid Prototyping technology, the core component of which is the process of laser alloying of powder material, is widely used by highly developed countries around the world for direct production, such as stamps, molds, etc. Despite the impressive advances in the development of laser technology and technology, the developers have to raise the productivity and quality of products made using rapid prototyping. Given the high complexity of the physical processes involved in the implementation of the technology of laser melting of powder material in this work was used an active strategy for the experiment, which allows to obtain more reliable results of experimental studies compared with the passive strategy. The analysis of the literature sources [1-2] showed different degree of statistical significance of each technological factor that influences the productivity of the laser fusion process of the powder material.

Results of the conducted researches. To study the performance of the laser alloy process of powder material PGSR-3, a non-composite Box-Bank plan for 4 technological factors was selected, which has good statistical characteristics and is implemented by the second-order regression equation [3]. Performance (T) was used as a response function. As technological factors of influence on the productivity of the laser fusion process of the powder composition (defined earlier), with the stabilization of the factors of the laser beam diameter, density and power of laser radiation, the geometry of the nozzle forming angles (x1), the mass flow rate of the powder (x2), the rate of displacement were used. (x3), the position of the substrate with respect to the nozzle section (x4).



1. M. Alimardani. ON THE 3D MODELING OF GEOMETRICAL FORMATION IN LASER SOLID FREEFORM FABRICATION PROCESS [Електронний ресурс]: Proceedings of International Congress "ICALEO'2006", Scottsdale, USA, Oct. 2006, LIA.-1 електрон. опт. диск (CD-ROM).-Систем. вимоги: Pentium; 32 Mb RAM; Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP.-Назва з контейнера.

2. Magdi Azer. LASER NET SHAPE MANUFACTURING USING AN ADAPTIVE TOOLPATH DEPOSITION METHOD. [Електронний ресурс]: Proceedings of International Congress "ICALEO'2007", Orlando, USA, Oct. 2007, LIA.-1 електрон. опт. диск (CD-ROM).-Систем. вимоги: Pentium; 32 Mb RAM; Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP.-Назва з контейнера.

3. Новик Ф.С. Оптимизация процессов технологии металлов методами планирования экспериментов [Текст] / Ф.С. Новик, Я.Б. Арсов.-М.: Наука, 1980.-304с.